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Always challanging the probability of possibility.

I am an artist that juxtaposes many different mechanical imagery which become laser cuttings in different media types such as plywood, MDF and perspex, I have focused in different areas such as drawing, painting and sculpture. I enjoy taking photographs as a hobby rather than a main focus on my work, however it does helps.


My artwork cannot be easily explained and I will not lie, I do not understand what I create, all i can say is that I piece together what I find in photoshop, I trace the image out so it becomes a vector drawing, which I transfer over to a lasercutting machine, from here the outcome is predicted but not definite, it is left to chance, I do very little to interfere with the 'mistakes', I feel these happy accidents become something far greater than what I expected in the first place.


People have seen my work from many different angles and see different things which I like. Nothing is certain, it has multiple meanings and each answer is different.

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